We had the wonderful opportunity to interview Mimi Michaels, who’s recent work includes the upcoming thriller “Gamer” costarring Gerard Butler, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” and “Boogeyman 3”. Here’s the interview.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, where are you from and when did you decide to become an actor?

Acting has been my “meditation” as far back as I can remember. When I was three I found myself creating characters and bringing them to full regalia. I would come to the dinner table with the different costumes I crafted from everyone’s closets and drawers to fit the character I fancied. I don’t know where I picked up all the accents. There may not even be countries for some of them. But I would tell my mom, “I can do that too” when we watched TV. Theater productions set my heart racing altogether. I always knew acting was it for me. It was the one thing- the only thing I knew I’d be happy to get up and go to work for.

I grew up in Great Neck, NY but left to attend the LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts in the city. The best decision of my life!

2. You’ve had many roles in popular television series such as Law & Order, All My Children, Six Feet Under and most recently in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Can you tell us a little bit about your experiences?

It’s been wonderful to work on quality series. The experiences on each one are a continuation in my performing arts education. I’ve been lucky to experience a broad variety of story lines and characters to exercise my chops.

3. Tell us about your role as Lindsey in Boogeyman 3.

Ah, poor Lindsey. Well, without giving you a spoiler, I can tell you that Lindsey was strong and smart to a point. She went through an interesting psychological arc as she transitioned from strength to weakness amidst the influence of dormitory peers. Lindsey’s outcome reveals the importance of staying strong in your resolve.

4. You’re also in the upcoming thriller “Gamer” starring Gerard Butler, what can you tell us about that?

That promises to be one exciting thriller. Lots of action and interest throughout. The story is set in a high tech futuristic world. The video games you get to play are with real lives. My character is a quirky fan of one of the best players. It’s a high speed movie that you must see.

5. Any new projects in the works? Give us the scoop!

“House of Heather” is a Web series we just wrapped on. As Heather in this satire of a reality show, I believe I will become a successful fashion designer. Sound familiar? I hope you watch for it. In the meantime, you can see me running as Trident Gum’s silly ninnie in the tv commercial. My teeth are so strong I don’t even notice a guy’s attempt to snap my bag out of my teeth and send him flying off his scooter instead.

Actress Mimi Michaels

By admin

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