Photo Courtesy: XLrator Media
Cam Gigandet and his team of renegade military prisoners are set to defend the remote black site penitentiary where they’re being held in their upcoming action film, ‘Black Site Delta.’ In honor of the rebellious convicts’ determination to stop a potential terrorist attack on the prison, Shockya is premiering an exclusive clip from the drama, which chronicles the prisoners putting their plan into action.
XLrator Media will release ‘Black Site Delta’ in theaters on May 5, and then on VOD and iTunes on May 9. The drama was helmed by first-time feature director, Jesse Gustafson, and written by Guy Stevenson. In addition to Gigandet, the film also stars Teri Reeves, Benjamin Charles Watson, Dion Mucciacito, Casey Hendershot, John Brodsky, Michael Dale and Arash Mokhtar.
The following synopsis for ‘Black Site Delta’ has been released by XLrator Media:
Jake (Gigandet) is the leader of a “Dirty Dozen” band of military prisoners who must fight off a terrorist attack on the remote “black site” prison where they’re being held. Unknown to the prisoners, the prison is a cover for a secret drone control facility.