the birds
Photo from Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds.

Directed By: Alfred Hitchcock Written By: Evan Hunter (Screenplay), Daphne Du Maurier

A strange and weird outbreak occurs when the beautiful young Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) is crossing the lake after delivering a pair of lovebirds to a man she doesn’t even know. Being attack by a gull is just the start of things for her and the quiet little town of Bodega Bay. The birds are everywhere at their home, their school, their entire life has now been surrounded by birds. And all at once they decide to attack, people are having their eyes plucked out of their heads and the skin pulled from their bodies. How are they to stop these once peaceful now ravenous feathered creatures only time will tell, and only as Hitchcock can tell it.

This movie definitely gets a Roger Moore flat line, cause I know my heart stopped, even the mere sight of a flying creature still sends shivers down my spine, it was with out a doubt a heart stopper. A story only as Hitchcock can tell and wonderfully done to at that, as any film with time is does become aged as this one did but it does and always will stand the test of time. Words do not express the greatness of all of Hitchcock’s work, one can begin to speak of his work and then it turns into rambling, but as any movie goer knows the master has always been and always will be Hitchcock. So watch enjoy and don’t forget to close your windows and doors. Enjoy.

(Story) Score: Technical: 100, Story: 100, Acting: 100, Overall Score: 100

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The Birds
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