Check out the latest movie poster for the horror film “Fear House” from director Michael R. Morris. “Fear House” is one of the Insomnifest selected titles.

Insomnifest is the first ever online horror film festival and will be broadcasted for the entire world to view over a two week period in February of 2008 at The festival will take place between the 14th of February and the 26th of February. We will be showing twelve horror flicks from all over the world and several of them will be world premieres. The movies will be streamable for $4,99 per movie.

Synopsis: Relatives and colleagues of reclusive writer Samantha Ballard track her to an isolated house in the California desert where they discover a traumatized Samantha. She greets them with the grim announcement that they will die if they attempt to leave the house. After Samanthas ex-husband and his girlfriend suffer horrible deaths while trying to escape, the others realize that she was serious. They begin to scheme a safe way out even as the malevolent force that rules the house stirs the worst fears of each of them, causing them to wonder: Can they escape the evil house before their fears kill them all?

Fear House is to be released later this year on DVD by Lifesize Entertainment and offers an alternative to the current wave of torture porn. While being both suspenseful and scary, it also delivers blood and gore to satisfy all horror fans. Don’t miss this one!

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