Congers, NY (January 25, 2008) – Summer Glau the star of the Fox hit Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles will be appearing at Wizard World on Saturday, March 15. An autograph signing as well as a panel with Summer are currently being planned as part of the appearance.

“The fans have made their feelings felt loud and clear, Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles is a hit,” said Senior VP Martha Donato. “We always try to bring in a guest that fans want to meet and our research lead us to Summer, who not only has a growing fan base from ‘Terminator’ but a tremendous following from her work on Firefly and Serenity.”

Additional stars from small screen who are scheduled to be on hand for signings include: Donald Faison Courtesy of Platinum Studios (Actor, “Scrubs”, “Clueless”);

“Fat Momma” (“Who Wants To Be A Superhero?”); Lou Ferrigno (TV’s Incredible Hulk); Christy Hemme (TNA Wrestling Knockout); Lorenzo Lamas

(Actor, “Renegade”, “Snake Eater”); Lori Petty (Actress, “Tank Girl”, “Point Break”,

“A League of Their Own”); “Major Victory” (“Who Wants To Be A Superhero?) and Rob Van Dam (Hardcore Wrestling Legend)

In addition to media star line-up the annual family-friendly pop culture extravaganza held at the LA Convention Center March 14-16 features a line up of fun events for all ages. Video gamers/musicians can sign up for our Rock Band and Guitar Hero Tournaments, we have two costume contests planned, Lightsaber classes as well as a “SaberWars” event are on tap through out the weekend. Plus so much more!

For a complete list of events, times, registration forms, guests, activities, ticket prices and times, visit

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