Watch the latest video game trailer for the PC game “Tunnel Rats” from Kuma Reality Games.
Description: Tunnel Rats presents a succession of fast-action firefights and down and dirty encounters set under the battlefield of Vietnam. The Viet Cong have their advantages of stealth, intimate tunnel knowledge and reinforcement while the U.S. has superior weaponry, military strategy and comprehensive intelligence on the ground. Available as both single and multiplayer maps, gamers have the ability to play on both sides – as U.S. soldiers, infiltrating the notorious Viet Cong tunnel systems and destroying Viet Cong Head Quarters; and as Viet Cong, exiting the safety of the tunnels to breach the U.S. lines, cutting communications and destroying the U.S. base camp.
Tunnel Rats is Episode 84 of the episodic KumaWar franchise. The game is based on the winning submission of the Kuma Episode Design Contest by U.S. Army Veteran, Combat Medic Mike Fitzgerald.