The folks over at A&E sent us over some details about the brand new real-life criminal investigations series “Crime 360” which premieres Thursday, March 6th at 10PM ET/PT. Here’s some details.

CRIME 360 takes viewers inside actual investigations as they unfold, using state-of-the-art 360-degree digital photography and incredible CGI (computer-generated imagery) visualizations to bring the evidence, and the evolving theories about what happened, to life. Each one-hour episode begins the moment detectives are called to the scene and follows the case until it is solved. From the start, viewers are part of the investigation – experiencing the crime scene from every angle, and the evidence at the microscopic level. As the case develops, and the theories change, the graphics evolve, culminating in a full-blown visualization of what really happened.

“CRIME 360 is the perfect blend of technology and the real-time edge-of-your seat suspense our audience has enjoyed with THE FIRST 48,” said Robert Sharenow, Senior Vice President of Non-Fiction and Alternative Programming, A&E Network. “Through the use of CGI, viewers will see forensics and evidence in a way they’ve never before been able to experience on television.”

Shot in Richmond, VA and Cleveland, OH, the forensic specialists in the police departments filmed for CRIME 360 have a new tool in their forensic arsenal: state-of-the-art 3D laser scanners, which enable investigators to remotely measure, model and diagram crime scenes with significant detail, preserving the precise original crime scene forever. Long after the crime scene is gone, investigators can virtually return to the scene of the crime to test out theories and compare evidence results.

CRIME 360 is produced by Base Productions for A&E Network. For Base productions, John Brenkus and Mickey Stern are Executive Producers. Robert Dorfman and Peter Zasuly are Supervising Producers. Robert Sharenow and Laura Fleury serve as the Executive Producers for A&E Network.

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