If a picture is worth a thousand words then a picture of Peter Molyneux would be filled with thousands of phrases like “Gamer God” and “Computer Programming Genius”. Creating such games like “Black & White”, “Populous”, “Theme Park”, “Fable” and many more. If you’re a PC gamer then you’ve played his games and now you’re waiting on his next great creation “Fable 2”. At last years “2007” GDC Peter Molyneux talked about Fable 2 with the world in a Press Demo.

As Peter Molyneux has in all his interviews since he stressed on how he has changed the combat feature so that new players will find it easy and old players will still find it exciting. Peter is also putting a new twist on the gaming fantasy and involving death in the story line “well you can call it a form of incapacitation”. Peter has always been proud the chooses you can make in his games “With every choose there is a consequence, Peter Molyneux said” in a interview At last years “2007”GDC. He went on to say “Why when you lose a battle should you fight the battle again?” “Shouldn’t there be some form of consequence?” “If you can lose an item, experience or money you got during a battle then it will mean much more to you”.

Peter also introduced two new features at “2007 GDC” the family feature and the pet feature. The family feature is where you get married and have children. Mostly people wanted to know if you can take control of your family and help them grow? Well you can’t take control of them but the type of person you become affects the type of family you have. Also your family will be apart of the story line. The Pet feature is where you get a dog. People wanted to know if there are breeding mini-games or other types of pets? Well you’ll just have to be happy with the dog because you only get one pet and there are no disposable pets.

This year “2008” at the GDC Peter Molyneux showed us what we have already seen is just the peak of a giant “Fable 2” mountain. With GDC stage demonstrations, GDC developer walkthroughs and with Lionhead video diaries brings you closer to the game than ever before. Peter Molyneux said that there is one more big feature he will unveil before the release date.

“Fable 2” will be released in October of 2008.

By Reviewdiz

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