After being nominated for two Video Music Awards (best new artist and best pop video), Tokio Hotel have extended their US stay and are set to take over Hollywood with performances on Jimmy Kimmel (9/9) and at local landmark Hollywood & Highland (9/6). Fans are in for a treat as Kimmel has invited the band to rock out on the infamous outdoor stage with a 5-song set including hit single “Monsoon.” Fandemonium is sure to ensue as the 10 craziest fans at Hollywood & Highland will be awarded VIP treatment with early admission to the Kimmel performance and their fifteen minutes of fame on national TV. Head over to for more details.

For an intimate look at a Tokio Hotel’s live performance, check them out performing “Monsoon” on the radio for the very first time in the US. The band stopped by Hot 95.7 in Houston before their show, and as usual, caused a fan frenzy on the phone lines. Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav also stuck around for an interview where they dished on everything from the Jonas Brothers to touring in the US to Bill’s signature look.

Stay tuned to Toxic Shock TV for the latest Tokio Hotel news and more.

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