Every year, television network Spike TV airs the Scream Awards, which is sort of like the Oscars for the fantasy, horror, science fiction and comic genres. The nominees were announced yesterday, of which The Strangers, Cloverfield, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Teeth, Rob Zombie’s Halloween, Sweeney Todd and Saw IV made the cut. Not surprisingly, The Dark Knight took the most nominations, scoring 21. Also to note, Doug Jones who will appear in the upcoming Toxic Shock TV film Carnies was nominated for Best Supporting Performance in Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.

The best part about the Scream Awards is that you, the viewers at home, get to vote on who wins, sort of like the MTV Movie Awards, but cooler. Voting begins today (September 12th, 2008), so get your gorehound patooties over to their site and vote until your fingers fall off!

See if your picks win when Spike airs the awards show on October 21st!

Last year’s winners include 300 for The Ultimate Scream (its version of Best Picture), 28 Weeks Later for Best Horror Movie, Pan’s Labyrinth for Best Fantasy Movie, Transformers for Best Sci-Fi Movie, Kate Beckinsale for Scream Queen in Vacancy, Shia LaBeouf for Scream King in Disturbia, Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for Most Vile Villain and Grindhouse‘s dismembered in car crash for Most Memorable Mutilation.

Stay tuned to Toxic Shock TV for The Spike TV Scream Awards live coverage on October 21st.

By Tessa Petrocco

Tessa Petrocco is a freelance graphic designer and media professional. She graduated magna cum laude from Kent State University in 2007, earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Media Production. She moved to New York City that same year, where she worked as the Editorial Assistant and Content Coordinator for a popular film review website. Tessa enjoys spending time with her dog and boyfriend, knitting, volunteering and being a one-woman film reviewer.

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