U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has dismissed rumors that his daughters, Malia and Sasha, are going to appear as guests on Miley Cyrus’ hit TV show, “Hannah Montana”, during an interview Tuesday.

A representative for Disney, who invited the girls officially on Monday, said, “We’re pleased that Malia and Sasha are fans and, as long as their parents say it’s okay, they are invited to the set of Hannah Montana, and all Disney Channel shows, for a guest role or a visit, anytime.”

Cyrus’ father Billy Ray, in reaction to Disney’s invite, told Access Hollywood, “They probably will. The invitation is there. The Hannah Montana film comes out in April. Maybe something might happen around then.”

However, an Obama aide tells the New York Daily News it’s not going to happen: “It’s a generous invitation, but they simply aren’t going to be making decisions of that kind right now.”

Obama, when asked about the invite and his decision to keep his daughters out of the spotlight, he told “Good Morning America”, “Generally, what makes them so charming is the fact that they’re not spending a lot of time worrying about TV cameras or politics, and we want to keep it that way.”

By Tessa Petrocco

Tessa Petrocco is a freelance graphic designer and media professional. She graduated magna cum laude from Kent State University in 2007, earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Media Production. She moved to New York City that same year, where she worked as the Editorial Assistant and Content Coordinator for a popular film review website. Tessa enjoys spending time with her dog and boyfriend, knitting, volunteering and being a one-woman film reviewer.

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