Luke Goss, the English actor best known to US audiences as the original Reaper vampire Jared Nomek in “Blade 2” and as the tragic villain Prince Nuada in “Hellboy II: The Golden Army”, recently sat down for a quick chat with MTV’s Splashpage to talk about his involvement with the big-screen adaptation of the Top Cow title “Magdalena”, anticipated to hit theaters in 2010.

Goss, who will be playing the mentor of the latest Magdalena, Patience, says “[b]asically, I had a meeting with [producer Gale Ann Hurd], and Gale said, “You’re the guy for me,'” […] “You know you’re in good hands with her. She’s wonderful. And she was adamant about bringing in a screenwriter who was going to bring a rich story to it. We’re not going to hold back. We’re going to make it a rich mythology. People realized with Downey [in Marvel’s summer 2008 blockbuster “Iron Man”] that when you put a story behind a superhero, it’s actually quite irresistible.”

Goss also went onto say that the film will be “pretty sexy” because of the religious history and that “it’s almost like ‘Da Vinci Code’ with substance, and more action,” and that it’s “not a religious movie at all, but [Hurd is] not going to shy away from that content.”

The “Magdalena” character first premiered in 1998 in “The Darkness” #15, and has gone onto two limited series of her own and has been featured as a guest in numerous Top Cow titles such as “Witchblade” and “Tomb Raider”.

The character is the latest in a long royal bloodline of female warriors descended from the line of Jesus Christ and his reputed wife Mary Magdalene, who act as warriors and protectors of the Catholic Church. She has various powers, such as the ability to see into the human heart and allow people to be able to redeem their sins. She also wields the Spear Of Destiny, which pierced the side of Christ on the cross. Appearing once a generation, each Magdalena is overseen by a mysterious group of cardinals called the Inquisition.

Stay tuned to Toxic Shock TV for Top Cow news and more.

By Costa Koutsoutis, (Source: MTV Splashpage)

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