Enlightened Party Multimedia just released this brand new movie poster from the upcoming drama “Ice Grill, U.S.A.” written and directed by Mark Bernardi and Greg Santarsiero and starring Kevin Interdonato (The Roadhouse, Nacho Mountain), Denise Ramirez (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), Michael Pemberton, Carlos Franco and Clyde Baldo as Dr. Jekyl.
Not too much is know about the independent film “Ice Grill, U.S.A.” but the film’s directors Mark Bernardi and Greg Santarsiero also co-directed and wrote the crime drama “Rise by Sin” starring Christopher Borino and Julian Ciarocchi.
Stay tuned to Shockya.com for the latest “Ice Grill, U.S.A.” movie news and posters.
Ice Grill USA was one of the best, most rugged indie movies I’ve seen in years.