DreamWorks Animation recently released this first looks video from the upcoming animated film “Monsters vs. Aliens” by directors Rob Letterman (Shark Tale) and Conrad Vernon (Shrek 2) starring Seth Rogen (The Green Hornet, Funny People), Kiefer Sutherland (24), Hugh Laurie and Reese Witherspoon (Four Christmases).
Synopsis: When a meteorite from outer space hits a young California girl named Susan Murphy and turns her into a giant monster, she is taken to a secret government compound where she meets a ragtag group of monsters also rounded up over the years. As a last resort, under the guidance of General W.R. Monger, on a desperate order from The President, the motley crew of Monsters is called into action to combat the aliens and save the world from imminent destruction!
Stay tuned to Shockya.com for the latest from “Monsters vs. Aliens”.