Check out the latest movie poster for the upcoming sequel to Richard Kelly’s “Donnie Darko” entitled “S. Darko”. The sequel stars Jackson Rathbone (New Moon, Twilight), Daveigh Chase, Briana Evigan and Ed Westwick.

Synopsis: This next chapter of the Darko saga picks up with Samantha, Donnie’s younger sister, who, in the wake of his death, has found herself at 17 with a broken family, mired in feelings of insignificance, and with no aspirations for the future. The archetypal character study and genre mixing of Donnie Darko is reprised, but with a fresh spin on the roles within the Tangent Universe that warrants the telling of this darker, more jaded tale of tragedy, second chances, sacrifice and rebirth.

Stay tuned to for the latest from “S. Darko”.

S. Darko Movie Poster

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