Terminator Salvation (2009)

System: Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC

Game Description: Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins focuses on the exploits of now 30-year-old John Connor in a world on the road to the extinction of humanity. The game offers players the chance to assume the role of John, battling for survival against the far superior forces of Skynet. Played in a third-person action game, Terminator Salvation features concentrated armed combat against all of the Skynet enemies from the film as well as new enemies specifically designed for the game.

Score: Graphics: 9, Sound: 9, Gameplay: 7, Multiplayer: 5, Overall: 7.5 of 10

Review: Based on the worst Terminator movie made to date, I was definitely a bit apprehensive about the video game. Would it be another senseless movie based third-party shooter? Would it build up with fancy artwork and gameplay videos, only to dissapoint and frustrate? Thank goodness McG isn’t a video game director. Terminator Salvation actually turned out to be pretty entertaining!

From a visual standpoint, Terminator Salvation definitely delivers. The only complaint I have is the replay load time and frequency of animation sequences in between levels. Gameplay is decent, but pretty ordinary for a third-party shooter. In minutes your taking down Skynet drones, manning large artillery and kicking serious robot butt.

Director Ulf Andersson who also brought us other video game adaptations such as “Wanted: Weapons of Fate”, truly captures the atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic Terminator world.

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By Brian Corder

Terminator Salvation Gameplay 1

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