DreamWorks Animation has announced that Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill have joined “Oobermind”, which will be hitting theaters November 5th, 2010.
Ferrell is replacing Robert Downey Jr. in the title role of Oobermind, a supervillain who managed to finally defeat his arch-rival Metro Man (voiced by Pitt). However, he soon finds life to be too boring and creates the superhero Titan (voiced by Hill), who unfortunately doesn’t want to be a good guy, but instead evil, foring Oobermind to get on the other side.
The three actors are joining Tina Fey who is already attached to the project and playing the news reporter tasked with keeping track of the somewhat confusing superhero and super villain situation going on in the city.
Oobermind, produced by Lara Breay and Denise Nolan Cascino, is being directed by Tom McGrath (the “Madagascar” films).
Stay tuned to Shockya.com for more “Oobermind” news.
By Costa Koutsoutis (Source: Variety.com)