Title: White On Rice

Written and Directed by: Dave Boyle (“Big Dreams Little Tokyo”)

Starring: Hiroshi Watanabe, (Letters from Iwo Jima), Mio Takada, (Late Night with Conan O’Brien), Lynn Chen, (Saving Face) and Justin Kwong.

Produced by: Duane Andersen, Dominic Fratto, and Michael Lerman

Scores: Technical: 90, Story: 95, Acting: 100, Overall: 95

Director Dave Boyle both writes and directs the comedy “White on Rice”, a fish-out-of-water love story chronicling the comedic life of Jimmy (Watanabe), an somewhat strange yet charming 40-year-old immigrant as he tries to make it in America. Jimmy lives in his sister Aiko’s and his brother-in-law Tak’s (Takada) basement. Unfortunately Jimmy falls for Tak’s beautiful niece Ramona (Chen) and things spin out of control for Jimmy. So Jimmy seeks inspiration and guidance from his young friend Bob (Kwong).

If your in the mood for a heart warming and funny tale, then “White on Rice” is definitely your movie! Hiroshi Watanabe is absolutely fantastic, his sophomoric character Jimmy is played out like a 12 year old boy living in a 40 year old body. The supporting cast is well balanced and the story keeps you entertained while learning more about each characters quirks as it progresses.

“White on Rice” is a genuinely funny film, with colorful characters and a lot of heart.

By Brian Corder

“White on Rice” opens theatrically on September 11tn in Los Angeles and Orange County.

By admin

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