All of Breaking Benjamin’s records have gone either gold or platinum, and the just released Dear Agony, their fourth studio album, is sure to continue that trend. In celebration of its release, the band will play Xbox LIVE Gold Members in a special Game with Fame session October 15. If you’re a Gold member (if you’re not a Member, upgrade now!) and join the band Thursday, October 15 starting at 7:00 p.m. EST for the event.

Send a friend request to the following Gamertag and be online half an hour before (6:30 p.m. EST) the Game with Fame session starts: BreakBen GwF

Their hit songs “So Cold” and “Sooner or Later” off 2004’s We Are Not Alone album both soared to number 2 on the U.S. Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in Billboard Magazine, and their next album Phobia produced another number 2 song in “The Diary of Jane” and a much-coveted number one spot with “Breath.” Now with the new album Dear Agony, they’re set to attack the charts again. Guitarist Ben Burnley notes, “We’ve been together 8 years, which is like 20 years these days. We’ve honed our sound and focus. Being on the road, you become a better musician, and the more music you listen to and the more experiences and people you’re exposed to, the more complicated you become, the more complicated your music can become.” Breaking Benjamin consists of Burnley, guitarist Aaron Fink, bassist Mark James, and drummer Chad Szeliga.

If you’d like to hear and see Breaking Benjamin in action, some of their music videos are available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Check out:
The Diary of Jane
I Will Not Bow
The Making of Dear Agony

If you get a chance to play with Breaking Benjamin, Xbox wants to hear all about it! Send an email to with the subject “GWF – Breaking Benjamin,” and be sure to include your Gamertag and hometown!

Play Breaking Benjamin on Xbox Live

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