Rabba just released another new fan made movie poster for the upcoming film “Lost Boys: The Thirst” aka Lost Boys 3 starring Corey Feldman (Lost Boys: The Tribe), Jamison Newlander (The Blob), Matthew Dylan Roberts and an unconfirmed Corey Haim. Here’s more details about Lost Boys 3 from Corey Feldman’s official blog.

“…as the title above us reads we are finally going to make a third installment to The Lost Boys series. I am very excited to get started. The title of the film will be Lost Boys: The Thirst and I am excited to say it will be a full scale return of the Frog Brothers(that means Jamison Newlander). Not like the tease in the last film. I would say this will be much closer to the comic book series.I do not want to tell you too much about it other than I have been lucky enough to be asked to Executive Produce the film for Warners. What that means is that I will have more creative involvement than ever before. I promise to do my very best to give the fans what they want this time around. This film will also have a bit more modern of a look to it as it is being directed by Italian director Dario Piana who directed a very futuristic Horror film called “The Deaths of Ian Stone”. I am also pleased to announce that Truth Movement has been asked to contribute some music to the films soundtrack. Which is an absolute dream come true for me, as I so much loved the soundtrack from the original film. I can not tell you anything more about the cast at this time. We are set to start shooting in November in South Africa. I will miss you while I’m gone but don’t worry I’ll write while I’m away.” – Corey Feldman

Stay tuned to Shockya.com for the latest movie news and more from “Lost Boys 3”.

Lost Boys 3 The Thirst Poster

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