A television series based on the 2009 film science fiction thriller ‘Push’ is currently in joint development by Summit Entertainment, the movie’s distributor, and independent studio E1 Entertainment. The announcement, which came on January 19, also stated the pilot is being written by David Hayter, who is also executive producing the series with Dark Hero Studios partner Benedict Carver.
The series marks the first time Summit will be developing and producing material for television. It will focus on people with paranormal powers who work together to dismantle a corrupt government agency. When asked why Summit was producing the series, Co-Chairmen Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger said “The concept behind the ‘Push’ feature film offers a broad and rich canvas on which to extend the storyline and characters introduced in the feature film.” They added it’s a perfect project to initiate the studio’s plans for producing television series.
The two studios are working together on getting a U.S. television license. E1 will handle the TV sales in Canada, as well as home entertainment and broadcasting rights in Canada and the U.K., while Summit will distribute the series in the U.S. As for the rest of the world, the two studios will handle different territories and split the foreign sales.
The film was directed by Paul McGuigan and starred Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Camilla Belle and Djimon Hounsou. It earned nearly $50 million worldwide.
Written by: Karen Benardello