Warner Bros. Pictures president Jeff Robinov has officially comfirmed that the studio will be rebooting the Superman series. The 2006 film “Superman Returns” starred Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey, James Marsden and Parker Posey. Here’s a snippet from The Wall Street Journal article:

“Warner Bros. also put on hold plans for another movie starring multiple superheroes — known as ‘Batman vs. Superman’ — after the $215 million ‘Superman Returns,’ which had disappointing box-office returns, didn’t please executives. “‘Superman’ didn’t quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to,’ says Mr. Robinov. “It didn’t position the character the way he needed to be positioned.’ ‘Had ‘Superman’ worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009,’ he adds. “But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all.”

Stay tuned to Shockya.com for the latest from Superman.

Superman Reboot

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