Screenwriter Jeff Stockwell has been tapped to write a film adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle’s classic time-travel novel “A Wrinkle in Time.”

The script is for for Cary Granat and his newly-formed Bedrock Studios.

The 1962 Newbery Medal-winning sci-fi novel is about teenaged Meg Murry, her genius brother Charles Wallace, and their fellow classmate Calvin O’Keefe. The three set out to rescue Meg’s missing father, a scientist who has been mysteriously abducted. Along they way they gain allies and counsel from the mysterious trio of Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which.

The book has been adapted for film before by the BBC in 2003, as well as a TV movie by Dimension Television for ABC in 2004. L’Engle’s granddaughter, Charlotte Voilkis, manages the late author’s estate is is onboard as an executive producer.

Stay tuned to for more on this project.

By Costa Kotusoutis (Source: The Hollywood Reporter)

A Wrinkle In Time

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