David Ayer has been tapped by 20th Century Fox to write and direct a remake of “Commando”. Erwin Stoff and John Davis will be producing.

Ayer wrote “Training Day” starring Denzel Washington, and directed “Harsh Times” and “Street Kings”.

The original film was released in 1985 and starred Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Ayer is a former Navy soldier and tells Deadline New York that his take on the film, which was about a former commando forced by drug lords to murder the head of a rival cartel when his daughter is kidnapped, “will be less brawny, but more skilled in covert tactics and weaponry.”

No casting or other production news has been announced yet.

Stay tuned for more on “Commando” right here at Shockya.com.

By Costa Koutsoutis (Source; Deadline New York)

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando

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