Terrance Howard may be missing out on Iron Man 2′s massive success, but at least he’s got a new project to keep him busy. As reported by THR, Howard is set to play Nelson Mandela in Darrell Roodt’s Winnie. Roodt is set to put his $15 million budget to use when production kicks of at the end of the month in Cape Town Johannesburg and Robben Island.

Had enough Mandela after Morgan Freeman’s performance in Invcitus? Don’t worry; the focus of this film will not be on the famous leader, rather his former wife, Winnie Mandela. That role went to American Idol contestant turned Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson. Winnie’s image isn’t as pristine as her ex’s. Some honor the activist calling her the “Mother of the Nation,” while others loathe her for a handful of troubling revelations including ordering her bodyguard to kidnap and murder a 14-year-old and being convicted of fraud.

After Dreamgirls I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s nothing Hudson can’t do. You don’t step onto a set for the first time, deliver an Academy Award winning performance and not have the innate ability to tackle any role that comes your way. Hudson’s feature film follow-ups, Sex and the City and The Secret Life of Bees, didn’t quite showcase her talent as Dreamgirls did, but nonetheless, solidified her capabilities.

Plus, it can’t hurt to pair her up with a talented actor like Howard. He’ll undoubtedly have to deal with comparisons to Freeman’s performance in Invictus, but the subject matter he’ll be working with will likely be drastically different. As opposed to Freeman’s Mandela 1990 portrayal, Winnie will likely take place in the 1950s and/or 60s. The two married in 1958 and, considering Robben Island is listed as a shooting location, will dabble in Mandel’s 27 years in prison, which began in 1963. However, the film could stretch all the way to the 90s considering the two were married until 1996, though separated since Nelson’s release in 1990 due to her unfaithfulness.

Clearly these are two very remarkable roles both of which have the potential to bring Hudson and Howard out of their current lulls.

By Perri Nemiroff

By Perri Nemiroff

Film producer and director best known for her work in movies such as FaceTime, Trevor, and The Professor. She has worked as an online movie blogger and reporter for sites such as CinemaBlend.com, ComingSoon.net, Shockya, and MTV's Movies Blog.

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