‘Paranormal Effect: A Japanese Curse II (Juso),’ the sequel to the critically acclaimed hit movie ‘Paranormal Effect: A Japanese Curse’ is currently in production. Directed by Ryuchi Asano and Teruo Ito, the sequel continues the story of the Juso mystery and other Japanese lore. ‘Paranormal Effect 2′ aims to also give resolution to what happened to Darren and Reiko, the couple from the first movie, who traveled to Tokyo and became the latest victims to an evil spirit and disappeared.
To celebrate Halloween, the sequel’s production and to refresh fans’ memories of what happened to Darren and Reiko, ‘Paranormal Effect’ is being re-released as an uncut collector DVD. The DVD can be bought exclusively on Amazon, at Amazon.com. A special Halloween discount is being offered on createspace.com, at Creatspace.com. The first film can also still be seen by VOD on Amazon and Indieflix.
Written by: Karen Benardello