They are a pair of some of the more admired people in the entertainment industry today, and now soccer star David Beckham and actor Taylor Lautner share another common bond; both celebrities’ biography comic books hit the stands on Weds.

Fame: David Beckham, and Fame: Taylor Lautner, in stores and available at online venues on October 27, are the latest additions to the successful line of Bluewater’s biography titles.

“Beyond their obvious talents, Beckham & Lautner embody the very reason we created the Fame line of bio comics,” said Bluewater president Darren G. Davis. “Each has a uniquely compelling story and each has made a definitive imprint on current popular culture.”

Writer Pete Rogers and artist Pablo Martinena bring Beckham’s amazing career to life, from his earliest days on the soccer field, when he dreamed of playing for Manchester United, to the challenges of his soccer days in the United States.

Lautner was a relatively unknown actor until he made his debut in the popular vampire-romance movies. Those days are over. Today, Lautner is as much a household name as are Stewart and Pattinson.

Kimberly Sherman, who’s penned the biography comics of both Pattinson and Stewart, also wrote the new Lautner comic. Warren Martineck, an artist for DC Comics’ WildStorm studio, provided the interior art.

Both Fame titles are 32-page issues and brings to life in graphic form the stories of the world_s biggest celebrities.

“We’ve found a niche with our bio comics,” said Davis. “Our success with this comic shows that there is a much wider audience for sequential storytelling than many thought. These readers are simply looking for something other than superheroes or horror. With our bio comics, we strive to bring these new readers evenhanded, well-researched looks at some of their favorite celebrities.”

The suggested retail price (SRP) for the upcoming comic book is $3.99. To make sure you get your copy, contact your local comic book store to pre-order it. To find a comic book store near you go to The comic will also be on Amazon.

Also coming out this week is the special edition flip book of “Fame: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart. ” Both single issues have sold out and expect the same with these. This special edition of FAME retails for $6.99.

Next Month the Fame biography comic book series features “The Cast of Glee” and a new version of “Lady Gaga”.

Taylor Lautner and David Beckham Comic Book

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