New studio Crime Scene Pictures has decided to back Joel and Ethan Coens’ remake of the 1966 film ‘Gambit,’. Despite the fact that the Coens have won several Academy Awards for some of their movies, including ‘No Country For Old Men’ and ‘Fargo,’ the two haven’t been able to secure funding for the remake.
But with the Coens’ anticipated movie ‘True Grit’ being released next month, the studio decided to take on the remake as their first film. Michael Hoffman has been suggested to direct the movie, with his latest film ‘Last Station’ about the life of Leo Tolstoy receiving acclaim.
The original ‘Gambit’ follows Michael Caine as he tries to steal a prized statue. The late wife of the man who owns the statue looks exactly like Caine’s accomplice, Shirley MacLaine.
Written by: Karen Benardello