While details about Christopher Nolan’s second Batman sequel, ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ have been scarce, a potential story for the third installment in the series has been leaked. The film’s story may be based on the plotline of the comic book Batman: Prey.
In the comic, Dr. Hugo Srange, a mad scientist, “becomes obsessed with Batman, learns his secret identity and ends up dressing up like him,” the website reported. Commissioner Gordon, meanwhile, is hunting Batman, and has to deal with Dr. Strange dressing up as the Caped Crusader. Tom Hardy is rumored to take on the role of Dr. Strange. The comic was written by Doug Moench and drawn by Paul Gulacy and Terry Austin, and ran during the early 1990s.
But some Batman fans are pointing to the fact that Nolan’s previous two Batman films, ‘Batman Begins’ and ‘The Dark Knight,’ haven’t been straight adaptations of one Batman comic story. There’s no word from Nolan yet on how much he will rely on Prey.
Written by: Karen Benardello