According to MTV Movies Blog, Sir Ian McKellan has blogged about what’s going on on the set of “The Hobbit”, and his post included info about Martin Freeman as Bilbo.

“I’ve seen Bilbo–in three dimensions,” he wrote, referring to the fact that the film is being shot in 3D. “I was visiting old friends in the Stone Street offices and heard Martin Freeman was just round the corner by the permanent greenscreen, done up as Bilbo, testing his costume in front of the 3D cameras. Indeed, there he was in the open air, mostly oblivious to the camera, though turning this way and that as required. Martin improvised a hobbity gait, padding back and forth, testing his big hairy Hobbit feet, pointy ears and little tum.”

He goes on to write more about the 3D shooting process in only the magical way McKellan can write about such technical things as 3D filming. He ends his post by writing, “Martin Freeman was transmuting into a character whose reality will soon be as authentic as his own.”

Freeman was this close to not being Bilbo; he had initially turned it down because he was afraid of how it would affect his “Sherlock” filming schedule. But all is well now. Expect “The Hobbit: Part 1” to hit theaters December 19, 2012.

Martin Freeman
Martin Freeman

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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