Warner Bros. Pictures released two new international posters for the film “Red Riding Hood” by director Catherine Hardwicke (Lords of Dogtown, Twilight, The Nativity Story) and starring Lukas Haas (Inception, Crazy Eyes), Amanda Seyfried (Big Love, Dear John), Gary Oldman (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II), Virginia Madsen (The Haunting in Connecticut) and Michael Shanks (Smallville).

Click Here for more photos, news and movie trailers from Red Riding Hood.

Synopsis: Set in a medieval village that is haunted by a werewolf, a young girl falls for an orphaned woodcutter, much to her family’s displeasure.

Stay tuned to Shockya.com for the latest movie news and more from “Red Riding Hood”.

Red Riding Hood Poster 1

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