We all love to get things for free, instead of having our credit cards swiped. Who doesn’t? Nothing is better than getting the new Soundgarden first-ever live album, “LIVE on I5”, free of charge. Well, maybe actually meeting the iconic quartet in person. We are sorry to say, but the latter is not an option. But we do have 2 free copies of LIVE on I5 to give away.

The live tunes of Chris Cornell, Kim Thayil, Ben Shepherd and Matt Cameron could be all yours if you can tell us a little about your favorite Soundgarden concert that you went to. The concert could be one from the 1990s or the 2000s. Your choice to make. All we want to know was what made that show so memorable for you.

Win our hearts over and you will be the proud owner of this legendary album, which drops March 22nd via Ume. Post your moving tales in the comments section of this article and e-mail your submission to shockyapr@gmail.com. You have got till April 11th to submit your entries. So start revisiting those concert recordings.

by Lonnie Nemiroff

Live on I5

By lonnie

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