According to CinemaBlend and What’s Playing, J.J. Abrams is under tons of pressure from Paramount to make the next “Star Trek” film 3D.

According to What’s Playing, Paramount’s logic for wanting a 3D “Star Trek 2” is based on George Lucas retooling the “Star Wars” prequels into 3D theatrical releases. It’s confusing reasoning, to be sure.

When approached about the next film being 3D, Simon Pegg, who plays Scotty in the film, said, “As far as I know, no. I mean…it depends. Maybe.”

He went on to say that even though he’s not the hugest cheerleader for 3D, he’s been convinced 3D can work in certain instances, like “The Adventures of Tintin”, his latest acting gig.

“When something’s made to be in 3D, if it is somehow part of the experience, fair enough,” he said. “I’ve done 3D movies. ‘Tintin’ is amazing. That is going to be in 3D and that is going to be amazing. Sometimes, it’s like if you see a movie that doesn’t necessarily lend itself to 3D, like perhaps something that is live-action or that isn’t built for 3D, it’s more like they’re worried about it. 3D can sometimes be a vote of no-confidence.”

“Star Trek 2” is set to start filming in September: we’ll see if we’ll need 3D glasses for it by then. Do you want to see Spock and Kirk in 3D? Sound off below.

Star Trek 2 in 3D

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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