Things keep getting better for the the Winchester boys of Supernatural! Not only have they managed to score another season after the series was slated to go off the air after season 5 , but now Jensen Ackles, who plays the humorous hard ass Dean, will be directing an episode of the CW series’ once again in season 7.
Ackles made his directorial debut back in Supernatural’s sixth season, helming the episode “Weekend at Bobby’s.” You know the one where Bobby slays a demon in his cellar, gets hit on by the new blonde bubbly neighbor with warm cobbler, and has a visit from officials looking for Rufus!
Announced this past weekend at the Asylum 6 Supernatural convention, Jensen is said to be on the schedule to direct the second episode in the seventh season. Details on what the new episode involves has yet to be announced, but since show runners have divulged that season 6 will end with a huge cliff hanger, I’m sure we’ll have some indication of the plot after the two hour finale airs May 20th!
Alright Supernatural fans – tell us what you think will happen in the two hour finale? And more importantly are you happy to see Ackles back in the director’s chair in the upcoming season?