Everyone is raving about the new Super 8 app, a full-featured video recorder that emulates a retro Super 8 camera. The app, which is a tie-in to the J.J. Abrams-directed/Steven Spielberg-produced “Super 8”, has gotten great reviews from iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad users around the world; within hours, the app was rated five stars, and fans and critics are calling it the best movie tie-in app of all time.

The app, which is distributed by Paramount Digital Entertainment and was created by app-development newcomer QMx Interactive and Bad Robot Interactive, a division of Bad Robot Productions, allows users to create vintage movies on their iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch products. Super 8 comes with seven photorealistic lenses complete with effects like infrared, chromatic and x-ray. Users can also overlay additional filter effects, such as light leaks and vignettes, and “age” their film with the random scratch-and-dirt filter. There’s even a frame-shake effect to top off the old-school feel of movies made with a Super 8™ camera.

Users can collect their shots and arrange or delete them to make their completed film, and send their movie off to be developed (developing film happens entirely within the app, so no snail mail is needed). Once the movie is complete, users are then taken to the Super 8™ projector room; pulling down the screen and pressing “Play” on the projector will start the screening of the movie. Movies can be shared through e-mail or through social media sites via the iOS’s gallery.

Also, if you’re interested in getting some exclusive Super 8 clips, playing back your movies on the Super 8™ projector may reveal missing frames from the Super 8 Editing Room Film. Collect all the frames to unlock a new clip at S8editingroom.com.

The Super 8 app is free for a limited time, so make sure to download it at the iTunes App Store.

Super 8 iPhone App

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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