Title: Seconds Apart

Directed by: Antonio Negret

Starring: Orlando Jones, Edmund Entin and Gary Entin

Running time: 89 minutes, Rated R

Seth and Jonah are twins with telekinesis and have a fondness for video camera voyeurism. When the stars of the football team are found dead after a completed game of Russian Roulette, Detective Lampkin (Jones) sees them as prime suspects and the twins’ classmates and strangers they encounter begin to die in bizarre ways. Jonah’s relationship with the new girl in school causes a rift of jealousy and mistrust that threatens their bond and their “project.”

Edmund and Gary Entin are perfectly creepy in the roles that seemed were created just for them. Orlando Jones shows off his versatility which is quite impressive and refreshing. Samantha Droke as Eve was adequately casted, however I found myself paying more attention to her eyebrows than her acting; they were almost cartoonish, yet hypnotic.

The DVD bonus feature only consists of the commentary with leads Edmund & Gary Entin and director Antonio Negret. They mention various hidden objects that I didn’t notice the first time around, and that makes me want to go back and watch it again to see all the clues laid out in plain sight demonstrating that things aren’t all what they appear to be. One scene they provide background information involving the “ice cave” during the detective’s pain management treatment, which I found very interesting because it reveals how the mind can fool itself without supernatural influence.

Not exactly horror as it is psychological-supernatural thriller. Not a lot of blood, but many horrific scenes had cleverly placed cutaways to give the viewers imagination a little workout.

Seconds Apart was thoroughly enjoyable. I would watch this movie again and probably still find things that I missed.

Total Rating: B

Reviewed by JM Willis

Seconds Apart

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