No one has seen more members than As Blood Runs Black. Just three years into their career the band had gone on to release several demos and then would release their debut successor “Allegiance” in 2006. The guys would go on to tour with such bands as Bleeding Through, The Acacia Strain, Suicide Silence, Sworn Enemy, and Karaklysm among others. Causing the band to abort every now and then, now five years later ABRB have released their sophomore album “Instinct”. Having original band members Nick Stewart bass and Hector De Santiago “Leche” drums come to finalize a group of musicians that they could finally depend upon.

1. As Blood Runs Black has gone through a variety of members and three new members have been added to the team. How would you say they are adjusting?

Leche: Couldn’t have asked for a better line up actually! Even though it took a millennium we feel this is our strongest line up yet. Everybody is on the same page, ready to rebuild, and anxious to start writing our next record. Instinct was 90% complete when we made the line up official so our new blood didn’t really have much time to showcase their true flavors and talent on this album. We can’t wait to collaborate and share heads for our next effort.

2. Besides that it’s been five years since your debut album “Allegiance” why did it take you so long to release another album?

Leche: Politics, poor decisions, egos, member changes, procrastination, basically anything and everything. It was one wild roller coaster, but in the end everything fell into place. We started writing a new record early 2007 and I ended up getting kicked out the band soon after that. 20,000 drummers later I came back late 2008 when half the band quit. At that point the band had a record 70-80% completed. After heavy scrutiny and loss of members we decided to can that record and write a new one. At this point only Nick (bass) and I were the only active members in the band. We were scrambling and auditioning everyone we could even include their mommas. Thank god we had someone like Ash at Pantheon who for some odd reason kept booking us shows even though we had a different line up every week and a record older than my grandpa. That allowed us to stay somewhat active in the scene, make a little bit of change, at the same time aid our auditioning process. The road isn’t for everyone. Shit was tough! We were stuck writing a record at the same time rebuilding the face of the band. The pressure started getting heavy. We found ourselves at a point where it felt like everybody wanted/expected us to give up and quit. I still to this day don’t know how we did it, but we somehow got through the bullshit. We finished Instinct instrumentally early 2010 and spent the rest of the year building our lineup and solidifying a vocalist to complete the record. There are like 3-4 different versions of Instinct all with different vocalist. Shit was bananas!

3. How many members would you say ABRB has gone through? Do you think that the line-up you have as of right now is “the one”?

Leche: We lost count! Like I said before, we all believe this is our strongest line up to date, and we dont plan on going anywhere! Now that I said that… we are going to have a new line up next week. FML

4. You guys just wrapped up The Atticus Metal Tour 3 and played this year’s California Metal Fest 5. You plan to play this year’s Summer Slaughter Tour how did you get involved with that and what do you hope to expect from that experience with such a variety of bands on the bill?

Leche: We owe it all to the guys over at Pantheon and Sumerian! It blows our mind how they never dropped or gave up on us during our extensive uphill battle. They helped us get back on our feet and are guiding us through this rebuilding stage of our careers. It feels comforting to be a part of these solid tours at the same time being back on the road. I wouldn’t really call it a comeback, but it does feel good to BE back. Bands like The Black Dahlia Murder, Darkest Hour, and As I Lay Dying inspired the birth of ABRB and to have the opportunity to meet and share the stage with them is more than special to us. NO HOMO.

5. The first and only time I’ve seen ABRB was when you played alongside Bleeding Through and The Acacia Strain in 2009. How much do you think the band has improved as far as performance goes from that point and time?

Leche: Wow! That was my first U.S. tour before I had quit halfway through after choosing to return a few weeks later. I was being emo. Depending when you caught us, at that time there were 3 fill ins carrying the tour. Now, we actually have a solid line up and our live shows are tighter and aggressive than ever. Sonik has a lot of energy and knows how to work up the crowd. We really bring the ruckus now! HAHAHAHAHA that was GAY!

6. Let’s talk about the new album “Instinct” is it a continuation of your last album or is this album brand new 100%?

Leche: 70-80% brand new, I recycled a few riffs from the record we scratched and some material we were working on before I left in 2007.

7. What about the title and the album work what is the meaning by those? What do they represent for ABRB?

Leche: As cheesy as it sounds, with all the bullshit and hurdles we faced, it was only our instinct that kept us going. It only felt right to title our record that. It fits perfect with our experiences and lyrics. As far as the album art, it basically tells a story that anyone can excel in anything if you follow and choose the right path(s). Be one with yourself.

8. Will we be seeing a new music video from you guys or nothing happening yet?

Leche: We shot a music video for Resist a few weeks ago so it should be premiering soon I assume!? Depends on the when the CGI gets finished and when Mediaskare wants to put her out. Were anxious to see what it looks like. It’s our first music video with a green screen.

9. What else does 2011 have in store for you guys?

Leche: We plan on hitting some cool international spots and introduce the new faces of the band. We just want to tour! You know, hit some places we never hit before and capitalize on the areas we already have. That’s basically our plans for the year besides writing a new record in the winter. Should be fun!

10. Is that your final answer?

Leche: Can I phone a friend?

by Natalie Perez

As Blood Runs Black

By nperez

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