The Hollywood Reporter has given an update on the verdict of “The Hangover Part II” lawsuit in which tattoo artist S. Victor Whitmill sued Warner Bros. over the use of the tribal tattoo he applied to wrestling star Mike Tyson. The tattoo appeared in the sequel on Ed Helms’ face as a callback to the first film.

While the terms of the settlement were not disclosed, Whitmill’s attorney Geoff Gerber gave a statement to The Hollywood Reporter: “Warner Bros. and Mr. Whitmill have amicably resolved their dispute. No further information will be provided.”

According to the article, sources close to the case say that the agreement was reached after an all-day session between the two parties and their lawyers.

The lawsuit was originally filed in April by the artist. Whitmill called Tyson’s tattoo “one of the most distinctive tattoos in the nation,” and the verbage in the lawsuit stated, “When Mr. Whitmill created the Original Tattoo, Mr. Tyson agreed that Mr. Whitmill would own the artwork and, thus, copyright the Original Tattoo. Warner Bros Entertainment, Inc.–without attempting to contact Mr. Whitmill, obtain his permission, or credit his creation–has copied Mr. Whitmill’s Original Tattoo and placed it on the face of another actor…This unauthorized exploitation of the Original Tattoo constitutes copyright infringement.”

You can read more about the suit here.

hangover 2 tattoo

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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