Generally, “Movie Review Round-Up” and “In Your Opinion” come out every Monday, but this is some breaking “Movie Round-Up/In Your Opinion” news: “Cars 2” officially sucks.

It actually pains me a bit to say such a thing, since it’s coming from Pixar, a studio that has had nothing less than near perfection with almost every film. The only film that got the most flack was the first “Cars”, with “A Bug’s Life” close behind it. Still, even with the complaints about “Cars”, people still felt it was a good movie. But “Cars 2” has officially become even worse-reviewed than “Cars”, which was originally the worst-reviewed Pixar film at 74%. The current Rotten Tomatoes rating for “Cars 2”: 34%. And possibly lower, by the time this post is published.

CinemaBlend wrote earlier that by the time “Cars 2” officially hit the theaters today, it had the potential to not only be the worst-reviewed Pixar film, but the worst-reviewed 3D-animated film of all time. Before yesterday, Dreamworks’ “Shark Tale” was the lowest-rated film at 35%. As you can see above, “Cars 2” is even below that.

What can we make from all this, though? Well, for one thing, I don’t think we have to run for the hills just yet; Pixar was bound to have their bubble burst eventually. Everyone produces a dud sometimes. One would assume that Pixar should have had the foresight to see another “Cars” sequel was not going to do so well seeing how mixed the public is on the first “Cars”, but still, you live and learn.

Secondly, Pixar isn’t done making great work. Just look at the progress on their next film, “Brave“. The poster is beautiful. The 3D rendering in the poster alone looks better than any Pixar film before it, even the technologically-challenging “Cars 2”. And the story certainly seems there, unlike the Mater-centric story in “Cars 2”.

But what do you think? How do you feel about the current state of Pixar and its future? Sound off below.

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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