Twilight author Stephenie Meyer’s has another novel that will be turned into a movie. Titled The Host, Meyer’s will see her fictitious character Melanie, who’s body is being used as a vessel by an alien named Wanderer, hit the big screen on March 29, 2013.

I attempted to read the book (what feels like ages ago) but I couldn’t finish the story. It’s no Twilight, and yes I’m a fan, but maybe I’ll give Melanie Stryder and her story as one of the last humans another attempt. I can only imagine the buzz that will surround Meyer’s next flick, and since it’ll probably get underway shortly after this summer, with the final conclusion of Breaking Dawn, and plenty of news headed our way about The Host in months to come, Meyer’s followers should be content for the next two years. That doesn’t mean we aren’t waiting for her next big novel to arrive on shelves!

The Host was released back in 2008 and will be adapted for the silver screen by Andrew Niccol, who will also direct the production. Actress Saoirse Ronan is already on board to play Melanie. And although I like the young performer, the lead just seems like a perfect fit for Amanda Seyfried. Principal photography will kick off this coming February 2012 around Louisiana and New Mexico. Additional casting should be making headlines any day now. Stay tuned for updates!

The Host

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