Female singers often gravitate to the pop genre to achieve fame when really they should be heading to the rock world. The tougher exterior of alternative rock music enhances their sex appeal much more than if they were singing bubble gum tracks. Having a frontwoman ups the edge of a rock group and automatically deems the band attention worthy if she has the vocal chops to back up her looks. The point is proven with the outfit, Valora.

The California group is fronted by Syd Duran and also consists of Ryan Villa, Taelor Duran, Jared Baez, Kasim Somers and Kenneth Benson. The sextet just released the video for the track, “I Waited For You”, which you can check out on You Tube. The video features the band playing in a gloomy setting heightened by the imagery of cold weather with snowflakes falling. The plot centers around Duran searching for her man only to find him at a costume themed party messing around behind her back. Don’t feel too bad for Duran because she gets in a nice punch in the end.

Along with the video’s storyline being able to mend broken hearts, Duran’s vocals also instill a sense of empowerment within those romantically damaged. The extent of her vocal range allows listeners to lament with her more subdued pitch, but release the anger when the odometer hits hard rock. “I Waited For You” unleashes an array of emotions, but the tune also conveys one direct thought; Valoria has got that spark.

by Lonnie Nemiroff

By lonnie

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