Not many people liked “Valentine’s Day,” and for an understandable reason; there was just too many stars in the film and there were too many storylines for there to be a clean follow-through in the story. The same is true for “New Year’s Eve,” according to the critics on Rotten Tomatoes.

The film, starring too many stars (but to name a few, Zac Efron, Halle Berry, Robert De Niro and Sarah Jessica Parker), garnered a 6% from critics, but the audience gave it a solid 60%, showing that this movie, like “Valentine’s Day,” is a crowd-pleaser even though critics hate it. However, let’s read why the critics hate it:

“It’s all perfectly pleasant and perfectly harmless and perfectly bland.”–Richard Roeper,

“Watching Robert De Niro put yet another nail in the coffin of his career is bad enough, but et tu, Michelle Pfieffer?”– Jeff Meyers, Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

“The end-credit outtakes include a gag in which a doctor (Carla Gugino) reaches between the pregnant Biel’s legs and produces two DVDs for Marshall’s ‘Valentine’s Day’–a delivery that’s no more stillborn than the DOA ‘New Year’s Eve.'”–Matt Brunson, Creative Loafing

What do you think about the film? Do you agree with the critics? Give your opinion below.

Jessica Biel Pregnant

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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