Over the course of December, we at ShockYa have been writing about our top 10 movie picks of 2011. Along with us, every other movie site has been recounting their favorite films, ranging from documentaries to comic book movies to action/adventure to romantic comedies. However, not many sites have been talking about the worst films. Enter The Hollywood Reporter.

The Hollywood Reporter has compiled a list of their top 15 movie flops of 2011.The list is thorough, including films that you might have already forgotten about, like “Mars Needs Moms” and “Sucker Punch.” But there are also movies that were supposed to be tentpole films, like “Green Lantern,” “Cowboys and Aliens” and “Glee: The 3D Concert Movie” (which has a level of happiness that seems to be the antithesis of the original plot line of the show).

There’s a lot of bad films to choose from but my “favorite” in the list has to be “Happy Feet Two,” simply because it was way too bloated for its own good. The runner-up in bloated-ness would be “New Year’s Eve.”

You can read more about their list here.

What flops top your list of the worst movies of 2011? Give your picks (and reasons!) in the comments section below.

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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