You know what one of my favorite parts about AMC’s Hell on Wheels is? The show practically plowed right through the holidays. While I’m struggling to get back up to speed with everything else on my viewing schedule as the winter hiatus comes to a close, Hell on Wheels is as fresh in my mind as ever.

Spoiler Alert

And, that being said, what’s going to happen to Bohannon and Elam (Anson Mount and Common)? When episode 8, “Derailed,” came to a close, the duo had just watched Griggs (Ty Olsson) nail a young Indian boy with a bullet only to be ambushed by the rest of the boy’s war party with Joseph’s (Eddie Spears) brother at the helm.

Based on these brand new images from the upcoming episode, “Timshel,” it looks like we will have a bit of a fight on our hands, as Pawnee Killer (Gerald Auger) is armed and ready with his bow and arrow while Bohannon and Elam are locked and loaded. Back at Hell on Wheels, Lily (Dominique McElligott) continues to stick by Eva’s (Robin McLeavy) side while Jacob snuggles up with Reverend Cole’s (Tom Noonan) daughter, Ruth (Kasha Kropinski).

Check out all four images for yourself below and be sure to tune in when Hell on Wheels’ second to last episode of the season airs Sunday night at 10/9c.

Chris Large/AMC
Chris Large/AMC
Chris Large/AMC
Chris Large/AMC

By Perri Nemiroff

By Perri Nemiroff

Film producer and director best known for her work in movies such as FaceTime, Trevor, and The Professor. She has worked as an online movie blogger and reporter for sites such as,, Shockya, and MTV's Movies Blog.

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