People have been buzzing about the found-footage superhero film “Chronicle,” starring Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly and Alex Russell. Having seen the trailers, it would appear that this original film about teenagers discovering their superpowers could be a contender for being one of this year’s best films.

Brazilian movie site Cinepop has a new poster of the film up on their site. The poster shows one of the teenagers either causing an explosion or trying to stop it. Either way there is a fire blast, people running, a car in the air and a very realistic air of a kid out of control that I would equate to the seminal anime film “Akira.” In fact, if someone wanted to make a really good “Akira,” this is the feeling that they should strive for.

You can check out the picture below as well as at cinepop. What do you think of the poster? Are you excited to see the film? Give your opinions in the comments section below. “Chronicle” will be in theaters Feb. 3, and I’m glad it’s really soon because I don’t think I could wait until the summer season for it come to theaters. I’m already having trouble waiting until Sunday for the next “Sherlock” episode.

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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