There’s been a lot of sports disasters recently, both on the field, on the court, or with the police. If you’ve been hearing about all of the controversial decision-making in sports on the news and you want to gain the opinions of another set of people, maybe you might want to try’s “Angry Sports.”
The show, starring Kato Kaelin and several of his guests, will talk about the controversies plaguing sports live today from the FilmOn Studios in Beverly Hills, California. Make sure to tune into the live stream at 4 p.m. EST/1 p.m. PST at Also, if you feel like you want to chime in on their conversation, you can call into the studio at 855-490-2146. was founded by rogue billionaire Alki David. A subscription to the site allows you watch over 500 live channels and 38,000 titles online via the world’s leading technology platform for streaming video, the patented HDI player. You can also get access to the broadcasts of exclusive live events, such as celebrity parties and concerts, and access to both newly-released and classic films, online video applications such as BattleCam, and more. You can learn more about FilmOn at its Twitter.
What do you think about “Angry Sports”? Give your opinions below.