The official trailer for the upcoming independent urban comedy ‘Exit Strategy,’ directed by Michael Whitton, has been released by Ask Around Entertainment. The self-described laugh-out-loud un-romantic comedy is set to be released in limited release on February 10, 2012 for Valentine’s Day, at AMC Theaters Cherry Hill and Franklin Mills in the Philadelphia area.
‘Exit Strategy’ follows James, played by Jameel Saleem, who gets evicted from his apartment and moves in with his girlfriend of three months, Kim, portrayed by Kimelia Weathers. He quickly discovers that she’s everything he never wanted in a woman. So James enlists the help of his best friends Carvile, played by Quincy “Qdeezy” harris and Leona, portrayed by Noelle Balfour, along with high-schooler Scoop, played by Nick Sinise, to help him end the relationship. Strangers Big Boy, the syndicated radio host of L.A.’s Power 106, and Kevin Hart also help James find a relationship exit strategy, even though for Kim, breaking up isn’t an option.
Big Boy has also released a video on YouTube chronicling his Best Relationship Exit Strategy, in conjunction with the film’s release. He suggests that people partake in hygiene in order to end a relationship.
Watch the official trailer for ‘Exit Strategy,’ and Big Boy’s Best Relationship Exit Strategy, below.
Written by: Karen Benardello