‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ director Marc Webb has revealed several details about the anticipated superhero film’s character, tone, 3D sequences and humor to Comic-Con Annual magazine. Comic Book Movie has posted a portion of the interview, in which the filmmaker said he released a poster that said “The Untold Story” to reiterate his movie isn’t a remake of Sam Raimi’s trilogy. “There’s a new territory, there’s a new villain, it’s a different Peter Parker,” Webb said.

Webb added that he decided to feature Gwen Stacy, played by Emma Stone, instead of Mary Jane Watson, portrayed by Kirsten Dunst in Raimi’s ‘Spider-Man.’ “I think that Gwen Stacy is a young scientifically minded woman who’s super smart, maybe even a little smarter than Peter at times…And I think Emma and Andrew’s (Garfield, who plays Spider-Man) chemistry really describes that in a fun, very intimate way,” Webb also said.

Speaking of the humor Spider-Man is known for, Webb said “there’s this trickster quality we were keen on exploring, with that humor and that fun and that wisecracking stuff.” The director added that he wanted the humor to come from a real place, “where you can feel all these emotions. There are certainly darker, more intense feelings in this movie.” The director added there’s betrayal and tragedy mixed in with the humor and romance.

Garfield has described his character as being a trickster. Webb added that “there’s a punk rock quality to Peter Parker that’s really irreverent and fun and that’s something that (Andrew) embodies in a way that we haven’t seen been before.”

Webb also said when he first starting shooting ‘The Amazing Spider-Man,’ there was a lot of craziness about 3D, but it was never forced upon him. But he’s glad he choose to film in 3D, as “watching it in 3D, particularly in IMAX…it’s fantastic. You get a visceral feeling that you don’t get any other way when you have good 3D. We shot this all in stereo so it was native 3D…Those point-of-view sequences, those came very directly from a philosophy about putting the audience in Spider-Man’s shoes.”

Written by: Karen Benardello

By Karen Benardello

As a graduate of LIU Post with a B.F.A in Journalism, Print and Electronic, Karen Benardello serves as ShockYa's Senior Movies & Television Editor. Her duties include interviewing filmmakers and musicians, and scribing movie, television and music reviews and news articles. As a New York City-area based journalist, she's a member of the guilds, New York Film Critics Online and the Women Film Critics Circle.

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