Cinemark Holdings, Inc. has announced that it has partnered through Paramount Pictures to release a restored and remastered version of “The Godfather: Part II” to theaters April 19. The first part of “The Godfather” series was released March 1 to 55 Cinemark XD auditoriums across the U.S.

“There is no greater iconic film than “The Godfather,” said James Meredith, VP of Marketing and Communication at Cinemark. “It has set the standard for story-telling, launched a generation of great actors, and provided movie-goers an unparalleled experience. Cinemark is excited to give fans of this movie the opportunity to now see it like never before in our extremely popular XD auditoriums, which offer a complete entertainment environment featuring enormous wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-floor screens, plush seating, and custom JBL sound systems with higher end components and 7.1 capable digital surround sound.”

According to the press release, The Coppola Restoration of “The Godfather” 40th Anniversary Edition as a project began in 2006 between Paramount and the director.

“Archivist Robert Harris joined the project, followed by the original cinematographer of the film Gordon Willis, to complete the team who worked arduously on the film for over a year going through the original prints, re-release prints, and negatives, shot by shot, foot by foot, frame by frame and even sprocket hole by sprocket hole.”

To find out more about the Cinemark “Godfather” releases, including advanced ticket purchases, Cinemark XD screen locations and more, go to

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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