After hearing that director Tony Gilroy was planning to continue the Bourne franchise without its leading star Matt Damon as the central character, many were doubtful about another installment. Since talking to MTV News however Gilroy’s plans to have the multimillion dollar action storyline live on by moving in a new direction doesn’t sound half bad. Dishing details about the upcoming flick, that will now star Jeremy Renner, Gilroy gave MTV some clear cut details about how the Bourne Legacy will play out.

“Jeremy Renner’s character has the reverse of amnesia. He knows exactly where he’s come from. He knows exactly what the stakes are if he doesn’t achieve his journey. It’s a very different tone, yet it will be rewarding to people. You should be able to see the movie and not see any of them before. It’s kind of ironic that people that were having the most trouble getting their heads around the fact that we were doing this are actually the people who I think will ultimately be the most happy about what we’re doing, it has a lot of payback for the true fans.”

Gilroy also shared that he plans to keep the prior installments in the backdrop with his new storyline. “One of the things that was really important to me was that anything moving forward not only preserve what happened in the past, but make it better. There was never anything that was cheesy or cynical about Bourne. The one thing that was always true was that it had a soulful integrity to it, really embodied by Matt [Damon] in a personal way. You couldn’t violate what had happened in the past.” The Bourne Legacy will open in theaters on August 3rd.

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